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02 July 2016
Call me a romantic but I love cuddling. Just the act of being next to someone else and holding them seems very endearing to me and helps me actually relax more than sex. I’m actually not alone in this as studies have shown that couples who cuddle tend to have more sex than those that don’t and also report feeling much more connected to their partners and some even go as far as linking cuddling with good health and physical wellbeing. If you think about it this makes sense as most of us are searching for that contact—the connection—that makes the ultimate difference between sex and intimacy.
Being so close to someone, feeling as your skins rub together, their gentle breathing on your shoulder, and the gentle caress of your hands can be a rather stimulating experience. It helps to bring people together and truly immersive sex happens once the minds of those wanting it are actually aligned. It makes the experience personal and it makes both partners actually be there in that moment. Many women sometimes say that they simply have no desire to be with their partners anymore because they feel there is no real connection left between them. This is because sometimes we forget about things like cuddling and thus we lose that one thing that keeps us together as a people.
This entire thought pattern is part of the basis of Tantra and tantric massages. Beyond the stimulating and wonderful experience that sensual energy can bring, at its core, the idea of getting a tantric massage is to feel that connection that we so long for in someone else. The bodies that touch, the skin that is unabashed and shamelessly pushed together reminds us of what real human warmth feels like. It connects your mind, body and soul to someone else’s so you can take a journey down the paths of pleasure hand in hand, skin to skin.