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12 March 2017
Tantric massages can easily be mistaken for simple whims of the curious mind. Of course when you dig into what happens in a tantric massage you will either be turned off or very turned on by their sensual nature. The fact a young woman is coming to you to spend hours pleasing you in a way that is both racy and yet very spiritual and daring can easily deceive you into thinking that is all there is… But tantric massages have not stayed around for thousands of years simply because they’re sexy. In fact, many people first come to tantric massages for the sexual aspect but then the more massages they have the more they realize that these massages can actually be quite helpful to them. Like most of the meditative arts (yes, this counts as meditation, you can rejoice at that!) while you’re enjoying the sensations in your body (or lack thereof) you’re also doing a lot of internal, as well as external, healing.
Some of the healing that happens during a tantric massage is pretty expected; your blood pressure can be lowered, your sleep improves and chronic pains might all be fixed through tantric massages. What you need to remember, however, is that this healing takes time and one single massage will do you as good as a single meditation session. The difference here is that while meditation takes years to work you’ll only need a couple of massages to see changes… Oh and there’s also the fact you won’t have to miss out on human touch to achieve it all, in fact human touch is the way tantric massage works in the first place. What you will learn is that pleasure is just as much about patience as it is about passion. It will all be worth it in the end though as you start seeing changes both in the bedroom and out of it.